As you know I am a Sucker for Christmas.
The tradition, the fun, the friends and, more importantly, you and Mum. There is nothing like the build up to get my heart rate high. There are several events over the Christmas period that are joyous, leading to you opening your presents on Christmas morning.
The season is a time for giving, it's a time for you to know how truly loved and blessed you are.
But, remember just one thing, no matter what present you didn't get (because there will always be one) Father Christmas did his best, and the ones you did get were the best on sale at the time! Just kidding.
The football season is in full swing, our beloved Arsenal have games to play that could define the season (good or bad). My bet is our team will give us as many highs as lows, that's the beauty of our sport. Just watch some highlights of great Arsenal teams of the past to know exactly how they play the game. Whatever you do in support of the team, do it with respect and dignity, the club has earned that right. At Christmas It's a joy to see the crowds at matches in England and the USA dress up in Santa regalia, you can't help but smile. Great fun, you should try it with your friends.
There are great movies to be seen throughout the season, here are some suggestions:
The James Bond movies: any will do, they are great entertainment.
It's a Wonderul Life: it's the emotion of the season wrapped into 2hrs.
Prep and Landing: a new classic.
The Wizard of Oz: that's right, time to get angry with that Wicked Witch.
The Santa Clause: there's nothing wrong with a little humour.
Miracle on 34th Street: there's nothing wrong with believing.
The Great Escape: nothing better
A Christmas Carol: pick one, they are all good.
Arthur Christmas: Mum loves it.
Love Actually: Heathrow as the opening credits is genius.
White Christmas: Tradition at its' finest.
White Christmas: Tradition at its' finest.
Learn Christmas hymns and go to Midnight Mass one Christmas Eve, you might like it. Mum and i used to go in England and had a blast. You might even want to pop into the pub beforehand with friends.
You will never be too old to light a fire, roast chestnuts, raise a glass of cheer or call your mother!
Buy a great tree, put lots of lights on it, place the photos of a bygone era where you can see them, admire your work!
Read the great Christmas stories, whisper "'twas the night before Christmas" your memory will come to life.
As you get a little older, you will be doing the cooking. Open a bottle of white and a bottle of red, you don't have to drink anything, but just in case you want a glass of something, give yourself a good choice. As for the turkey, go big, it's fun, wrap in bacon (because everything tastes better with bacon), inundate the table with vegetables and gravy. Delicious. Take your time in preparation, take your time in delivering a great time for friends and family. These are memories that will live with you for the rest of your life, they are priceless. Cook bubble and squeak, lace the plate with Branston pickle and cold cuts. Mum makes the best "bubble". Take all the applause your guests offer, they mean it.
If you need help on any cooking call Mum, if that fails, call Nan if you can!
Remember, rushing through the Christmas season risks missing something along the way. The world will continue turning whether you agree with the timing or not, be at peace with it.
Re-read "Desiderata". Re-read "if" by Kipling. For the new year there is advice within both poems that will likely hold you to a higher standard than others. That matters, trust me.
Cheers to Christmas kids, enjoy.
As for the stock market, it ebbs and flows in this period, do not take moves that seriously unless you absolutely have to. There is a new year approaching and prices of stocks will inevitably change, there is plenty of opportunity. Decide on your plans, work hard at updating them and trade those plans accordingly, success can be yours.
Queen takes Pawn
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